Funny Cats Choir | Dancing Chorus Line of Kittens Subscribe: . Sub to my 2nd channel
Waffles the Terrible (Vaflik, Вафлик) fails a lot... every day at one thing or another.
This kitten decides to jump from roof of snow covered v...
Cats are so funny sometimes and they actually have different feelings. Just look at all those cute jealous kitties :P Hope you like our compilation, please share it and SUBSCRIBE! Watch also our other...
Strangely these cats love swimming and playing in the water!
Puppies & Babies & Kitties OH MY! New videos all the time!
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Mijn gekke poes doet weer eens raar!
Met de grappige foplijn kan je een fop gesprek sturen naar iemand die je eens flink in de maling wilt nemen! Met de foplijn heb je k...
******READ THIS !!!!!!!!!!******
this is my second video,i made it with pictures i found on the internet .
i hope you enjoy it.
i had to change the music , don't know why !
English - I caught my cat today as he hunted down two little mice. I filmed as much as possible with me smartphone.
Dutch - I betrapte mijn kat erop dat hij aan het jagen was op twee kleine muisjes. ...