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Hosted by Lil BUB, written by her dude, directed and produced by his close friends, narrated by the legendary Bill Kurtis, and featuring only the most special of all special guests, Lil BUB's Big SHOW is going to change the way cat shows are made and enjoyed forever. Yes, it's that good. Of course it is, it's Lil BUB's Big SHOW!
The very first episode of Lil BUB's Big SHOW debuts right here on her YouTube Channel and on Revision3 on September 3rd.
Directed by: FruitBonus - http://vimeo.com/fruitbonus
Science and Magic by: Optimus - http://www.optimus.com/
Music arranged and perfromed by Lil BUB's Brilliant BAND
Music recorded by BUB's Dude
'Plantasia' written by Mort Garson
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/iamlilbub
Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/iamlilbub
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/iamlilbub
Mailing List - http://bit.ly/1dFQ8Q6
Publié 10 years ago
Catégorie Vidéo / General / Famous cats