Leuke en grappige dierenfilmpjes. Pet and animal vine compilation. Grappige katten filmpjes
Это видео создано с помощью видеоредактора YouTube (http://www.youtube...
Yay it is caturday!
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LOLcats will rule the world and there wi...
Meer/more Zari en Chenoke:
Our cat Chenoke and big ridgeback dog Zari are best friends.
Chenoke was found on a parking lot in Belgium, he's about one...
Facebook: http://facebook.com/WafflesTheTerrible
Waffles the Terrible (Vaflik, Вафлик) fails a lot... every day at one thing or another.
This kitten decides to jump from roof of snow covered v...
I am glad you loved the video. Joy is good ! http://www.corpfarm.com
lol it is amazing how these two cats remind me about some auto insurance company. Many time you ask yourself how much is car insura...
English - I caught my cat today as he hunted down two little mice. I filmed as much as possible with me smartphone.
Dutch - I betrapte mijn kat erop dat hij aan het jagen was op twee kleine muisjes. ...