Awesome Halloween costumes for babies, children and adults:
For babies:
Puppy costume:
English - I caught my cat today as he hunted down two little mice. I filmed as much as possible with me smartphone.
Dutch - I betrapte mijn kat erop dat hij aan het jagen was op twee kleine muisjes. ...
Cats can be very ignorant and mean but these cats are something special. Just look how all this kitties like to play with babies. It's so cute isn't it ;) Hope you like our compilation, plea...
3 cats fight for....nothing...the red/white one is ruler of the neighberhood
3 katten vechten (bijna) rood/witte is baas van de buurt.
Check this out right meow.
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For every cute internet cat, there's 5 more being assholes. Whether they're knocking shit over or attacking you for no reason, cats have proven that they are real jerks sometimes. Enjoy this...
English - I caught my cat today as he hunted down two little mice. I filmed as much as possible with me smartphone.
Dutch - I betrapte mijn kat erop dat hij aan het jagen was op twee kleine muisjes. ...