Cat Wearing A Shark Costume Cleans The Kitchen On A Roomba.
SHARK Cat Week is here!!!
Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duck While Riding A Roomba
DID YOU SEE US ON THE NATIONAL COMMERCIAL FOR GOOGLE CHROME??? Here is the link to the commercial: and you will see us at about 17 seconds!!! Yay...
Strangely these cats love swimming and playing in the water!
Puppies & Babies & Kitties OH MY! New videos all the time!
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Onze kat kopen bij het asiel. Is dat wel zo'n goed idee..?
Eigenlijk heette ze Kwasi. Daarna Milka, toen Gnocchi, toen Nokkie, toen Noodles. Tegenwoordig is er nog maar 1 Noodle van overgebleven...
English - I caught my cat today as he hunted down two little mice. I filmed as much as possible with me smartphone.
Dutch - I betrapte mijn kat erop dat hij aan het jagen was op twee kleine muisjes. ...