Grappige KATTEN! Super collectie! 2014
The domestic cat (Felis catus or Felis silvestris catus) is a small, usually furry, domesticated, and carnivorous mammal. It is often called the housecat when ke...
Our cats and dog had never seen this taxidermy "stuffed" Bobcat. Their reaction is, well just watch! :)
bobcat scares , scared cats
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FUNNY VIDEOS FAIL COMPILATION 2013 THE VIDEO BEST OF HD funny videos of people falling 33 mins of Epic Fail Compilation funny videos compilation 2014 funny videos Compilation fail compilation january ...
Waffles the Terrible (Vaflik, Вафлик) fails a lot... every day at one thing or another.
This kitten decides to jump from roof of snow covered v...
Cats are funny and cute but sometimes they can be a real pain in the neck :P Soo annoying and destructive! They break lamps, glasses, scratch furniture, they climb on our heads and pants, make mess, d...
Here is a video of cats and kittens meowing to confuse your pets
Puppies & Babies & Kitties OH MY! New videos all the time!
English - I caught my cat today as he hunted down two little mice. I filmed as much as possible with me smartphone.
Dutch - I betrapte mijn kat erop dat hij aan het jagen was op twee kleine muisjes. ...