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BUB traveled to Los Angeles, CA back in May to be a part of YouTube's Big Live Comedy Show. In her down time, we took her to the beach.
This is back when I first started her treatments, so her mobility is good (compared to before treatments) but you can see that she is still not standing upright. It's nice to see how far she has come since then.
BUBEACH Music composed by Matthew Tobey - http://mattypopchart.bandcamp.com/
Stay tuned for the second Episode of Lil BUB's Big SHOW this coming Tuesday.
Lil BUB: http://www.lilbub.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/iamlilbub
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Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/iamlilbub
Mailing List - http://bit.ly/1dFQ8Q6
Publié 10 years ago
Catégorie Vidéo / General / Famous cats